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Blog 03 | Mirko Gatti

Final report | All phases of the realization of a large printed publication

In conjunction with the opening of the Architecture Biennale, architects Arno Brandlhuber and Christian Kerez will discuss their contributions to this year’s Biennale with philosopher Armen Avanessian, photographer Erica Overmeer, and film director Christopher Roth. photo: Sto-Stiftung / ARCH+

During these conclusive two months as a recipient of the Sto-Stiftung I had chance to follow all the essential phases of the realization of a large printed publication. These included copy-editing, assisting on the graphic production of the layouts, follow the processes of printing and distribution. After months of intense research and tireless editorial work I could finally see the results of my work printed on paper, including a few brief articles of my own.

With our partners on this project Arno Brandhluber and Christian Kerez, who featured respectively as participant at main pavilion and contributing architect of the Swiss national pavilion, I had the exceptional opportunity to have a look behind the scenes of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, where I also assisted on the logistical organization of the launch of the magazine. The Architecture Biennale was a great opportunity to actively take part to the global debate on Architecture theory today, as well as an extraordinary learning platform for me as young researcher.

In conclusion, during the six months period at ARCH+ Verein not only I have expanded my personal knowledge of Legislative and regulatory systems in the fields of Architecture and urbanism, which was the main focus of my work, but I also have gained a much wider understanding of Architectural research as a practice and learnt priceless professional skills in the fields publishing and curating.

ARCH+ features 50: Legislating & Release Architecture

Mirko Gatti hat Architektur an der Polytechnischen Universität Mailand studiert, einen Master-Abschluss am Eyal Weizmann Architectural Research Department, Goldsmiths College, London. Als Stipendiat am Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Städtebau von Brillembourg und Klumpner an der ETH Zürich entwickelte er eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Architekturpraxis.

Seit 2014 lebt Gatti in Berlin, ist Stipendiat der Sto-Stiftung und des ARCH+ Vereins und arbeitet mit einem kleinen Kollektiv von Architektur-Enthusiasten an einer Reihe von kleinen Projekten und Wettbewerben.


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