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DesignBuild - a holistic teaching approach

Realization, reflection, reformulation

Design first, then build: Behind the "DesignBuild" architectural approach is an alternative teaching approach that links the concrete planning and implementation of social or non-profit buildings in all countries of the world. The student self-build projects raise awareness of sustainable practice and promote an open-minded perspective. However, the world is changing and some of the goals of completed projects no longer reflect the spirit of the times. The task of the research competition is to critically examine the past and the future. The results will be published as a book in our Sto Foundation book series.

From looking back to looking ahead

In 2021, the Sto Foundation realigned the DesignBuild competition and created a third category. With Research, we specifically promote the ideas and research work of young talents in architecture. The funding scope is broad: Theoretical basic research as well as constructive planning solutions or the sustainable optimization of specific components, building structures or building materials are eligible for funding.

With our DesignBuild competition, we support student projects in the following three disciplines:

DesignBuild PROJECT

Projects with social added value for which young architects are solely responsible.

DesignBuild REFLECT

A critical examination of the DesignBuild teaching method - for reflection and readjustment.

DesignBuild RESEARCH

We focus on architectural research and promote visionary projects by young talents.

News about our DesignBuild projects

Sto-Stiftung gibt Projekte des diesjährigen DesignBuild-Wettbewerbs bekannt

Angehende Architektinnen und Architekten können sich beim DesignBuild-Wettbewerb erproben und rund um den Globus Erfahrungen sammeln. Die Sto-Stiftung prämierte in diesem Jahr die Rekordzahl von elf vielversprechenden Projekten.

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Startschuss für die nächste Runde des DesignBuild-Wettbewerbs der Sto-Stiftung

Der renommierte DesignBuild-Wettbewerb der Sto-Stiftung nimmt in der internationalen Architekturszene einen festen Platz ein. Er bietet Studierenden eine Gelegenheit, ihr theoretisches Wissen in die Praxis umzusetzen und innovative, nachhaltige Bauprojekte zu realisieren. Die Bewerbungsfrist beginnt Mitte Oktober und…

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Neues Buch der Sto-Stiftung: „DesignBuild in Postcolonial Contexts. A Critical Interrogation”

Im zweiten Band der DesignBuild-Buchreihe betrachten neun Autorinnen und Autoren diese Lernmethode im postkolonialen Kontext. Sie untersuchen anhand konkreter Beispiele, ob die Praxis zielführend ist und welche Auswirkungen die ehemalige Kolonisierung noch heute auf normative Regeln hat.

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