Start of the Application Phase for DesignBuild PROJECT and DesignBuild REFLECT 2025!
Our DesignBuild competition is entering its next round! In 2025, we will again be awarding grants in the DesignBuild PROJECT and DesignBuild REFLECT disciplines. In 2025, we will provide a total of 100,000 euros in funding for two DesignBuild categories.
We encourage faculties and departments of architecture at German and European universities, as well as non-profit organizations active in this field, to participate in the competition. We are looking for creative and innovative ideas! It does not matter whether the institution has already received support from the Sto Foundation in the past.
The closing date for both competitions is December 15, 2024. In mid-January 2025, a jury will select and announce the winners. They will then be able to claim the funding. The Sto Foundation will also provide public relations support for the winning projects.
More information an be found under DesignBuild PROJECT and DesignBuild REFLECT.
DesignBuild PROJECT
Projects with social added value for which young architects are solely responsible.
DesignBuild REFLECT
A critical examination of the DesignBuild teaching method - for reflection and readjustment.
DesignBuild RESEARCH
We focus on architectural research and promote visionary projects by young talents.
News about our DesignBuild projects
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